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Sustianability Policy
At Becoming Greater Stores Limited, we acknowledge that some of our activities have a potential impact on the environment. We acknowledge and accept therefore, that as a company have a serious and binding duty to ensure that we proactively manage all the impact we generate in a dutiful, responsible and ethical manner. As such, we are committed to reducing any environmental impact we cause by working to ensure that every aspect of our business and that of our manufacturing partners is sustainable and takes into account the principles of sustainability and eco-consciousness as much as possible at every process stage of our creative process.

Sustainability Principles
It is our ultimate aim to create new, unique and exciting products which incorporates the following targeted sustainability principles in a simple and practical manner, without causing damages to the environment or cause lower the quality of our products.
1. We source our materials from sustainable and ethical suppliers who are sustainability conscious,
2. We minimise/reduce our own carbon footprint,
3. We minimise wastage during our design process,
4. Reduce wastage by re-using waste materials in clever ways,
5. Imprint on the minds of our manufacturers, the essense of being sustainablity conscious,
6. We highlight and insist on upholding sustainability values to our corporate partners and designers.
7. We never hold profit targets above sustainability targets.

Packaging Strategy:
We have ensured that our gift wrapping, boxes and containers are Eco-friendly and recyclable. We have made this an irreversible principle in how we think about serving our customers, giving them the best possible products without damaging the earth.

House Practice
We have trained our staff to take responsible steps towards being eco-aware and sustainability conscious, so that it becomes an ethical lifestyle, that holds true in their lives and in our business practice as an organisations. We are consious that we have to protect the earth for future generations.

Tree Planting

We support and work with organisations who are serious about tree planting and sfaehuarding our forests. We are aware of the loss of frest in Brazil and other places and we actively support the global campaign to half deforestation around the world.

For More Information On Our Sustainability Practices:
Please send an email to us at: [email protected]
Tel/Fax:0131 608 1036

Email to: [email protected]
Orders Tel/Fax: :0131 608 1036


THE COnversation

We are a signature fashion, Accessories and Giftware company, offering high class quality goods for consumers with a hunger for bringing out their inner greatness. We offer goods and products that makes you feel beautiful and elegant, inside and outside.

UK Phone: +44 (0)131 608 1036
UK Fax: +44 (0)131 608 1036
Email No.: admin @becominggreater.co.uk
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